So this is what The News were doing before they met up with Baby Huey Lewis - they were impersonating a Lebanese band. They should be in a Beirut prison, serving time for committing musical felonies like Bad Is Bad, Hip to be Square, and If This Is It. I have to admit that when I was 14 or so I bought the 45 of Heart and Soul. It had a good video and a classic guitar riff. OK, all kidding aside, the group that recorded From the Moon is called The News, and they were from Lebanon, but they had nothing whatsoever to do with that 80s AOR hit machine.
From the Moon is very similar in tone to Sky Men; hopeful aliens send out a staticky radio transmission:
We come from the Moon
We're looking for peace
Well, you're not going to find it on this planet, folks. Try somewhere else. At 0:42 they add some lushly layered Moody Blues-Ride My See Saw/Gypsy harmonies to the mix in an effort to calm the frightened Earth people. At 0:58, they attempt to communicate via an upbeat Close Encounters of the Third Kind keyboard pattern. Throughout it all, various chirping whirling space sounds flash across our minds. Perhaps they are sufficiently advanced that they will create peace by basically taking control, like the Overlords in Childhood's End.
Nope. They take one look at Earth and decide to return to the Moon, taking Richard Dreyfuss (and all copies of Mr. Holland's Opus) with them. Richard, don't you remember what Jerry sang on The Wheel? "If the sharks don't get you then the aliens will."

"Hey guys, there's Huey again, he keeps following us. What should we do? Let's hide in our big coats."
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