The most popular rock n roll band in the history of Poland is Czerwone Gitary (The Red Guitars). The nastolatkowie loved them, and the communist government's censors approved of their music as well, as long as they kept their songs clean and respectful. Their first album was released in 1966, and while they had obviously absorbed the sound of the Beatles, they also added their own cultural style. The legendary Krzysztof Klenczon was an original member.
Wedrowne Gitary (Wandering Guitars), is a perfect copy of the mid-60s pop coming out of England. It contains a ringing guitar lick, jaunty rhythm, and infectious vocals. I have no idea what the lyrics mean, but they sound extremely cheerful. It also has a requisite minor key middle section to alter the mood a bit.
They released a number of albums before splitting up in 1970 (they've reassembled in various lineups over the years, still a touring commodity in Poland today). Do yourself a favor, dear listener, and check out some of their songs on youtube.

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