Wednesday, March 14

March 14, 2018 - The Coasters - Charlie Brown (1959)

Fee fee fi fi fo fo fum, I smell smoke in the auditorium. From the soundtrack to the TV special, "Charlie and the Giant Snitches", the Coasters sing about all the bad things this kid does in high school:

1) Smokes in the auditorium
2) Gambles (throwing dice, and in the boys' gym, no less!)
3) Writes on the wall (bathroom wall? Principal's office wall?)
4) Goofs in the hall
5) Throws spit balls
6) Calls the English teacher 'Daddy-O'
7) Packs a switchblade

He's gonna get caught, just you wait and see...well, he hasn't yet so all you little narcs better keep your mouths shut...I'm lookin at you, Schroeder! Why is everybody always pickin on me? First of all, Charlie, you're obviously faking it. You're bad and you know it. Wait, is he really doing anything so terrible? He may not be a good influence, but it's not like he's slashing tires or beating people up...yet. The other kids are a bunch of suckups. Charlie will deal with them after school. But wait again...what was up with all that fee fi fo fum at the beginning? Are the other Coasters giants? Then Charlie had better listen up.

The music resembles Yakety Sax, which as it turns out was based on the sax solo from another Coasters' hit: Yakety Yak (don't talk back). Well, duh.....

The video is fantastic. The three guys have already stuck poor Charlie in the corner and later they put a dunce cap on his head. During the middle interlude, the Coaster with the sweet pompadour does an excellent dance. And how about the blackboard? CAT + DOG = ?, 2 x 8 = 19, and TEECHER. The Coasters rule.

Image result for coasters band 1959

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