The story of the Shaggs plays out like Charlie's Angels: "Once upon a time, there were three identical girls who went to the home school academy, and they were each assigned math problems, rode bikes, played with dolls, and other hazardous duties. But I took them away from all that and now they work for me, recording weird songs with instruments they can't play. My name is
What key is this in? The malarkey of B flat minors, foot foot. What's the story of My Pal Foot Foot? Is it a pet, like a cat or dog? the nickname of a human friend? a kid who has weird feet? A cat/shark creature? My take is this: there is this tweenish girl who is obsessed with a neighborhood cat named Foot Foot. She wanders around after him, strumming an out of tune guitar that's plugged into a cheap battery-powered amplifier on wheels. Foot Foot is frightened by the awful sounds she makes and the bizarre way she sings about him, so he hides from her. Now, Foot Foot's owners have nothing against this girl, she isn't mean or anything, but she comes around to their house looking for Foot Foot all the time, all the while playing her cacophonous songs. One day, they decide to tell the girl that Foot Foot moved out. They don't like having to do this, but enough is enough. It's just better this way.

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