Monday, February 15

February 15, 2016 - John Leyton - Johnny Remember Me (1961)

So scary it was banned by the BBC! Another "death disc" from legendary producer Joe Meek (see February 4 entry), written by Geoff Goddard . Creepy and dark, this is a must have on any Halloween playlist. It has a very Sleepy Hollow headless rider quality about it, this guy hears the haunting voice of his dead girlfriend on the wind crying to him across a dismal moor and through the treetops. Yeah, if I heard that wail I would freak.

However, in spite of the scary music, John Leyton actually sounds elated. He is happy that his dead demon-voiced girlfriend is communicating with him. He will, after all, hear it until the day he dies, so I hope he's looking forward to that. He says "Well some day I guess I'll find myself another little girl to take the place of my true love." Oh, that's nice, will this "also ran" have to listen to the dead girl too? I wonder what happened to her? Maybe a werewolf got to her.

It was a number 1 hit in England. Take that, BBC!


  1. LOL this is priceless!

    1. haha thanks...i really enjoy poking fun at songs I love.
