Monday, February 1

February 1, 2016 - The Modern Lovers - Dignified and Old (1972)

Check out Jonathan Richman on the left in that image, he always looked like such a squeaky clean little teenager. I really love all the songs from the Modern Lovers, but this one is a favorite. Like so many of the songs on this album, it's about being a teenager. In this song, the singer is all depressed because of some break-up, but he thinks about how he will someday get through all the 'bleakness and gray and sadness' and grow up to be 'dignified and old.' He is also singing to all the other teens out there going through the same thing, we will all get through this together - "hey kids," we will be ok. Jonathan Richman's lethargic adenoidal voice fits in well with the lyrics. It's like he's so depressed he's just staying in bed all day, moaning and groaning and drinking Nyquil. I like playing along with this one on my guitar. Quite jangly and clean.

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