Wednesday, September 7

September 7, 2016 - The Rolling Stones - Miss You (1978)

Miss You features a lush palette of twin guitars on a disco canvas. Just listen to that four on the floor drum beat, the offbeat bass strut. It is the foundation for the guitar exchanges between Keith and Ronnie. It seems like the guitars are playing something cool every second. Notice in particular these moments: 0:17, 0:26, 0:42-0:45, that little squeak at 1:10, and on and's like finding musical pokemons. You just have to listen. Small/Faces Ian McLagan on electric piano and the great Sugar Blue on harmonica. Great riff.

Then there's Mick delivering a classic vocal, in particular on the spoken sections that serve to demonstrate how much Mick really misses, well, You, right? Not even his friends can entice him with Puerto Rican girls and cases of wine. He ends up stumbling around Central Park at night like some kind of crazy Aqualung figure, people think he's craaaazy.

Image result for rolling stones 1978

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