Saturday, September 3

September 3, 2016 - ZZ Top - Cheap Sunglasses (1979)

ZZ Top is the coolest thing to come out of Texas. Well, there's also my friend Jeff, Willie Nelson, Hank Hill, Freddie King, Buddy Holly, etc.

Cheap Sunglasses rocks, and it's hilariously ridiculous too. A humorous ode to eyewear. The first verse is about acquiring cheap sunglasses, the second verse is about stalking a woman who is wearing cheap sunglasses, and the third verse is also about acquiring cheap sunglasses. If there is a chorus, it's Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah.

Instrumentally, there is the prominent use of a Planet N keyboard, heard in the halting breaks at 0:37, 1:05 and 3:21, at the end of each verse/chorus. At 1:06 and 1:50, you get the keyboard and this funny woo-woo-woo alarm sound. Perhaps that's the police coming after the stalker, or a signal that if you currently are not wearing your sunglasses, now is the time to don them and keep your head down. There are some great guitar solos as well, starting at 1:26 and again at 2:10, displaying some excellent distortion and harmonics. Billy Gibbons rocks! Finally, at 3:23, they slow things down for a nice bluesy outro. In 1979, while disco was still prominent, ZZ Top were keeping rock n roll alive, baby.
Image result for zz top 1979

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