Sunday, September 11

September 11, 2016 - Slayer - Angel of Death (1986)

Welcome to Mordor. Slayer are here to provide the background music, and their message is basically, 'WHAT THE F ARE YOU DOING HERE?!!!' This is not easy listening la-z-boy nappy time music. It is loud and intense and it confronts our worst fears and behaviors. For fans, this music is a spiritual release, a bloodletting. For others, even if they might acknowledge the artistic statement, the presentation is unappealing. Sure, it's not for everyone. Even more rail against it because it scares them. They believe that singing about Sauron means you are Sauron.

Angel Of Death is rhythmically complex, filled with jackhammer double bass drumming and high speed guitar. From 1:39 - 3:35 we pass through a slower passage of precision playing. At 3:35 Kerry King and Jeff Hanneman unleash monster Orc solos to send you screaming into Mt Doom.

The song was inspired by the horrible acts of  Josef Mengele. Because of their interest in the subject, Slayer were accused of being Nazi sympathizers. As Hanneman said:

"I know why people misinterpret it – it's because they get this knee–jerk reaction to it. When they read the lyrics, there's nothing I put in the lyrics that says necessarily he was a bad man, because to me – well, isn't that obvious? I shouldn't have to tell you that."

Image result for slayer 1986


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