Sunday, September 4

September 4, 2016 - Talking Heads - Crosseyed and Painless (1980)

Talking Heads freaked me out as a 13 year old. First, there was the Once in a Lifetime video, which happened to be playing on a big screen in this electronics store where my parents were shopping. Why was this sweaty geeky Buddy Holly-looking guy hitting himself? Then there's the Remain In Light cover. Red splotches hiding their faces. Who are these weirdos?

Crosseyed and Painless rides a great dance groove that doesn't veer from its direction the whole way. Funky slap bass lines, guitars, keyboards, lots of percussive sounds and special effects scattered about. David Byrne goes on about facts, especially during the final part: facts are this and facts are that. Take it easy, dude!

Image result for talking heads 1980

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