Monday, September 26

September 26, 2016 - Genesis - Carpet Crawlers (1974)

Glittering cascades of keyboards, at 0:01 there is lambswool under my naked feet. Carpet Crawlers is from The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway, called the 'Ulysses of concept albums' by critic Jon Michaud. Let's enjoy the flow and esotericism of the lyrics, and the calm romantic delivery by Peter Gabriel.

I like to picture little kittens crawling playfully on the carpet when I listen to this song.More favorite lines (reminding me of):

0:18 A salamander scurries into flame to be destroyed (MC Escher - the salamander part)
1:00 The crawlers cover the floor in the red ochre corridor (Goodnight Moon)
1:11 they're moving in time to a heavy wooden door (a Hobbit door)
2:43 Mild mannered supermen are held in kryptonite (that comic book hero guy, whatshisname)
3:55 And the tickler takes his stickleback (nothing, I just like the unexpected brevity of the line)

Phil Collins plays the drums most impressively, beginning at 1:50 and keeping time while playing all those quick chika shika chika shika hi-hat taps. The chorus is pretty dang catchy too, if I don't say so myself.
Image result for genesis 1975

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