This is one of the few Led Zeppelin tunes to actually make reference to the Lord of the Rings:
in the darkest depths of Mordor
I met a girl so fair
But Gollum, and the evil one crept up
And slipped away with her
Battle of Evermore. Misty Mountain Hop also. Some LZ fans want every song to be about Lord of the Rings: 'hey dude, that song Hot Dog? It's about the hobbits wanting to enjoy some elevensies, you know, have a little snack after traveling so far.'
This is also one of their Light and Shade songs, featuring gentle acoustic guitars giving way to heavy electric guitars.
Something like that. Ramble On is also one of your Robert Plant double tracked vocal songs. You can hear it mostly at the end, it's like there are two Roberts singing, separate but equal. You can also hear this phenomenon in songs like Babe I'm Gonna Leave You and Whole Lotta Love.

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