Back on August 20, I posted the Velvet Underground's I Heard Her Call My Name, and I wrote that later in the year I would be posting some music that would make the Velvet's song seem like a lullaby. Strong Out Deeper Than The Night is that song. It is a howling white noise nightmare of squealing feedback, something to sweep the cobwebs out of your brain and send you running for cover.
In his book Japrocksampler, Julian Cope wrote a wonderful chapter about Les Rallizes Denudés:
"...and nobody even knows quite what the official name of their band is, or even what its popular French form means because there are no such things as 'rallizes' in the French language. And yet the cult that surrounds Les Rallizes Denudés increases in size year after year."
The guitarist and leader of the group is Takeshi Mizutani. He formed the band in 1967, while he was a student at the prestigious Doshisha University, studying sociology and French literature.
I don't have much to say about the music. It's a sloooowwwwed down version of Booker T's Green Onions. You either love it or hate it. I love it. As Julian wrote, "It's relentless to the point of becoming meditative, and cylindrical to the point of being useful...I wanna be that bass player and stand in that wind tunnel, anchoring that level of rage."

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