Velvet Waltz, like Safesurfer a few days ago, is a long guitar extravaganza. It is very waltz-like. 123-123-123...ouch! You stepped on my toe. Sorry.
The song follows this trajectory: one minute opening - a couple of verses - middle slowdown - final part about the sun - epic raging guitar solo for the final 3:18. Let's take a closer look, shall we? 123-123-...
I interpret the song as a vague lecture on the woes of regret. A trio of somewhat mournful and pining electric guitars open the proceedings. One picks out some waltzy arpeggios, another plays slightly distorted chords and leads, and the other is a wah pedal hanging out in the corner. They sound good together, united in storytelling.
At 1:01, Doug Martsch proffers a notion:
If there's a word for you
It doesn't mean anything
I've got some words for you
They don't offer anything
Hmm, well, thanks for nothing then! I wonder why the rhythm picks up so early, which it does on the second line (doesn't). I think it should have been held back a bit, but whatever, not my concern. I've also never been that wild about Martsch's voice, I'm way more impressed by the guitars. The lyrics go on about an unsuccessful salesman, at 2:08 Doug sings You thought of everything but some things can't be thought. They just come to you, through inspiration. You were inspired to do something else, but you didn't do it, you became a salesman. You dreamed about a different life, but never acted upon it. By 3:30, you are being made to feel ashamed because you left it in the sun and let it dry up, when maybe you should have acted on it sooner, and now you're unhappy.
During all the sun stuff, the guitarists are getting pissed off about this bummer trip. They finally overpower the vocals at 5:15 and boil over. Screw you world! I am not going to go gentle into that good night, I am going to go for it and ditch this salesman thing!
The music during this finale gives me goosebumps, it's very emotional by this point. The guitars shoot off in all directions, every guitar for itself! I especially love the slide up the neck at 5:44, the slow pitch bend from 5:54-:56. It's magical stuff, this vast starry night of guitar fireworks and it goes on and on...123 123, burning up in one giant wah pedal supernova. It's fun being in the middle of all these shooting stars.

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