vimeo link has the long version.
This is really bad timing, Greg Lake just died the other day. He is the singer and bassist on The Court of the Crimson King, and was 1/3 of Emerson, Lake & Palmer. RIP. Palmer is still around.
One interesting thing I just learned about this song is that Doc Severinsen covered it on his album Doc Severinsen's Closet, which is a record my Dad owned. So, my Dad might know this song, albeit a different version.
In the grand progressive rock pantheon, this song has a prominent place at the table. It is from the King Crimson album In the Court of the Crimson King: An Observation by King Crimson. Of all the pretentious progressive album titles, this one tops them all. Who do these guys think they are? Knave, we are King Crimson. You may now kiss our hands. OK, I have to say I've always liked it. Even if the cover illustration is annoying. Yeah, like I really want to look up some guy's nose and down his throat. Surely they could have come up with a better image.
The title and last track on the album is the majestic The Court of the Crimson King. It is a fairly Dungeons and Dragonsesque tune with citadels and damsels and knights, and an assortment of wizards and Robin Hoods. The purple piper, the black queen, the fire witch, and the yellow jester are among the characters who appear at the court.
What I like best about this song is how the main motif shows up whenever we get to the in the Court of the Crimson King part. It is treated like such a big deal, who is this Crimson King anyhow? Oooh, I'm in the court of the crimson king. I'm soooo impressed. We are in his court, but is this king actually here, too? Or are we sitting around waiting for him to return from a squash tournament?
Best part is when the drums come in at the end, at 7:55. Michael Giles, y'all. Maybe that represents the arrival of the king. Everything after that is frosting.

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