Fly and Collision of Comas Sola, what a fantastic name for this sort of slow build electronic space phenomenon. We just heard Tangerine Dream a couple of days ago, but I love both recordings and this is how they line up on the timeline. The best part of this piece is the drums that come in late and just demolish the whole thing.
The opening 2:25 is a satellite being launched into the sky, heading for space. Its passengers are our friends from a couple days ago - guitar, organ, and flute. It eventually breaks free of Earth's gravity, but a sudden malfunction sends it out of control, slowly headed on a collision course with the Comas Sola asteroid. Our friends find themselves in a race against time. They eventually lose the last of their fuel and head for certain doom, playing a requiem into the night. The drums are the approaching asteroids, coming in around 8:23, one after another until they are the dominant sound and the satellite is lost forever.

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