Dying butterfly began to fly! Butterfly is like listening to a lunatic's intense play-by-play of a butterfly struggling to live as it flutters about in a garden. (I think I've seen this guy on the MAX a few times.) He goes on about a few other personal matters, but I'm too bewildered to pay much attention. I mean, is the butterfly going to be OK?! That's what most concerns me. That and hoping he doesn't ask me about the butterfly. I have no idea. But the song is over eight minutes so maybe I will figure it out.
Malcolm Mooney is one intense vocalist. I can't blame him, listen to the music! The drums and guitar assault your ears like the king's blacksmith pounding out a sword of vengeance. The guitar chords are huge metallic chunks flying dangerously in all directions.
At some point Malcolm says the dying butterfly never dies. For chrissakes, put it out of it's misery, you sadist!

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