Any colour is bad...Outside My Door is an uneasy negative paranoid trip...words like fear, bad, blind, dying stand out. Also, there is this bizarre moment at the very beginning of the song, like between 0 and 1 seconds. It sounds like a short quiet meow or cry, it is in the left speaker, and it lasts for a split second. I don't always hear it unless I'm really paying attention. You can hear it in the youtube clip. It's a strange phenomenon, like the ghost kid in Three Men and a Baby (debunked).
Outside My Door is a garage rock monster. The awesome Malcolm Mooney was Can's first vocalist, and he starts of like a confused person talking to himself. He slowly builds himself into a rabid manic frenzy by the end. Then he gets the other passengers yelling too...outside the door!!!
The music is a doomed train whistling down the track. Malcolm is slowly losing his mind. Makes me think of the William Shatner Twilight Zone episode with the ugly wookie on the plane wing. Things are falling apart. The guitar solo is burning metal and screeching wheels. I'm sorry to take you there, but after all, it's only a song. Remember, you can always go back and listen to Ripple if you feel scared. Or watch Three Men and a Baby...awwwww.

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