A sudden and dramatic bass and organ opening and then Syd goes right into the story of Arnold Layne, just a guy who likes to steal women's clothing from 'washing lines' and wear them. Oh, how shocking. And poor Arnold gets thrown in prison for this. I never quite understood the 'takes two to know' references, though I read that Syd and Roger's moms had clothes stolen from them, so maybe it takes to know means them? Of maybe just that someone else (Syd) saw Arnold taking the clothes and knows all about what he does with them because he does it also? Interesting and catchy descending chord structure during the verse, it follows the same tone followed by four semi-tones pattern normally placed at the end of a 12 bar blues. during the verses. Trippy organ passage from Richard Wright in the middle of the song. This was Pink Floyd's very first single.

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