Friday, March 18

March 18, 2016 - Icarus - Spiderman (1972)

I have an exact date for when I first became familiar with this album. It was Saturday night, September 12, 2009. I was in my sleeping bag, in my tent, at Fort Stevens on the Oregon coast. I was listening to the great KMUN Astoria radio station program, The Other Side. The show that evening included a weird song about Thor. The host of the show kindly emailed me a playlist.

Spiderman rocks. The singer reminds me of a wilder version of the guy from Blood Sweat and Tears, you know, 'what goes up, must come down, spinning wheel...' This is a hippie street ode to Spiderman. Definitely the 1967 cartoon Spider-Man. It has some fantastic messed up crazy guitar solos, laid back organ out of the left speaker.

If you like Marvel comics and early 70s rock, you might like the two of them together. There is a great review of the album here.

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