Thursday, March 10

March 10, 2016 - Queen - Coming Soon (1980)

Even though it's a favorite album of mine, I never liked the cover. The photo of the band is great, tough 50s greaser look, where's the Fonz? But the gray background, just the band name and title in some normal font, borrriingggg!!
This is my favorite song from The Game. And it's kind of hidden there on side 2, between the two ballads. It should have opened side 2, followed by 'Rock It (Prime Jive)', make stupid 'Don't Try Suicide' sit between the ballads. Oh well, I think Coming Soon is excellent. It totally rocks, kind of similar to Need Your Loving Tonight in that it has that 50s doo wop early rock with a new wave feel. Phased drums kick it off, followed by a brief section of oohs, dual vocal opening lyrics, sandwiched by cool guitar riffs. I also love the 'on the outside of the tracks' part, with Freddie's little upward inflection there at the end of 'tracks'. Nice harmonies on the yeah yeah yeah followed by another awesome solo from Brian May. Is 'somebody nagging you when you're out with the boys'? Then play this one loud!

1 comment:

  1. So, is it true that as a teenager Freddie Mercury was in an Indian beat or is it psych band? Wow!
