Luna, Luna is from the compilation, Singapore A-Go-Go, Vol. 1, the same album from which Why Are You Not Smiling? is taken, and released by who else but the superb Sublime Frequencies label. This time around the group is also the Stylers, but instead of Grace Lee on vocals it's Lena Lim. L-e-n-a, Lena. I wonder if she ever knew Andy Kim of 'Rock Me Gently' fame. Doubtful. I have no idea why I thought of that.
Luna, Luna is a quintessential pop song. It opens with a distorted guitar, which soon switches to a slightly cleaner tone that is joined in unison by an ethereal keyboard. Lower in the mix is a rhythm guitar with wah wah effect that comes from the left speaker. There is a descending Walk Don't Run pattern at 0:23. After a 0:30 intro, Lena starts singing and her voice is like buttah. I have no idea what she's singing, but it doesn't affect my appreciation of the song. Heck, she could be singing that she stepped in poo and it wouldn't matter. I tried to find a translation online but had no luck. Stupid know-nothing internet. Anyhow, it's probably a love song, not a poo song.
At 2:09, the intro music is repeated and there is one more run through verse before the song fades out through the chorus.

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