Would you like to ride in the Velvet Underground's balloon? Made by Andy Warhol so be careful cause it's art. We can fly across the beach and crash into the sea...then we'll be wet! (Sung to the tune of Up Up and Away.)
Ride Into the Sun is an instrumental that appears on the Another View collection. It uses the same four chords as Sweet Jane, but in a different order and at the tempo of the version from Live 1969. Anyhow....
Here we are, slowly riding in a big balloon out over the Pacific Ocean as the sun sets in the west. The air is calm and we are drinking wine and having a nice leisurely time. Looking back towards the beach we see little people and houses twinkling in the light.
It's a sweet little tune. The music cycles around multiple times, but the picked guitar has a one shot moment at 1:05 that is very cool. Instead of playing its usual slide of G-A-G then down to lower G, it slides straight down the neck to lower G in that bluesy descending pattern. Only happens once.
There is a guitar solo at 1:36 that is comforting and affirming. At 2:21, a piano bangs out some chords, then at 2:45 the guitar comes back to accompany us on our voyage beyond the blue horizon.

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