Sunday, April 1

April 1, 2018 - Krzysztof Klenczon/Trzy Korony - Spotkanie z diablem

Hey, once again here is our old friend Krsytof Kryzsztof Krzysztof Klenczon (it usually takes me about two minutes to type his name correctly), of Czerwone Gitary. This time around, we are returning to the album he made with the fellas in Trzy Korony, in particular a tune called Spotkanie z diablem (Meeting With the Devil). I don't suppose Van Halen recorded Running With the Devil as a follow up to the meeting, hmm? And then Mostly Crue did that Shout at the Devil song, and so on and so on (check the card catalogue: went down to Georgia, Sympathy for, Christmas with, Friend of).

Similar to this classic song, we begin with a dark and stormy night. One can't expect to meet the devil on a sunny morning, can one? After 0:15, the electric guitars bop on through the rain and announce themselves. K comes in at 0:39, his voice strong and clear...'yes, excuse me, I have a ten o'clock appointment with Lou Siffer.' K is told to wait, but he becomes perturbed and raises his voice at 1:00. 'Sir, please relax. Mr. Siffer will see you shortly.' That's the devil's receptionist.

1:13, K says 'Forgive me, but I am concerned because I made this appointment months ago, and we made a deal, and where the hell is he?!' Receptionist says, ' yes sir, exactly.' yuck yuck. The music fades out at 2:20, and K enters into the meeting, as the storm continues unabated.

Image result for krzysztof klenczon

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