I love this song, first and foremost, because of the lyric (and sweet harmonies on) this is 1976...that line is a bizarrely never-ending source of fascination for me. Although I've listened to this song countless times, I am still occasionally caught off guard by the year. I know it's 1976, but my mind plays Loki and encourages me to hear a different 70s year (except for 1970 because it doesn't fit the rhythm. I tend to go for 1977, because of Star Wars and Close Encounters and being 10 years old and seeing the world as one big cartoon).
When the Gladiators recorded Know Yourself Mankind, it was 1976, and they were singing about the situation in Jamaica: Our beautiful country have turned into battlefield. They were saying, come on people, it's 1976 after all, can't we have peace?
Well, it's now 2018, forty-two years later, and we (still) don't want no more war. But there is still war. So much war. Enough already.

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