Malkaus begins with thirty seconds of a sustained keyboard chord accompanied by the groans of a man with possible stomach issues. The recording engineer needs to think fast, this poor guy obviously can't continue the session in his current state. At 0:32, he calls out take over Panthers!
Thankfully, the Panthers are ready and waiting with their instruments. They start up with a variation on Last Train to Clarksville, and are soon chugging away on a simple instrumental of surf organ and spidery guitar patterns. As for the meaning of Malkaus, all I could find was that it's a first name.
It is the first track on the sweet compilation, Pakistan: Folk and Pop Instrumentals 1966-1976. It's an album of similar pop surf organ tunes, many of which contain middle eastern/Pakistani touches while also displaying an influence of the rock and pop coming out of the UK and the US. You can read a cool interview with the Panthers here.

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