I know what you're thinking. More Bob Seger? Really? See, my friend Dave and I love this guy. We love poking fun at Bob's reflective earnestness and the way he stretches out a song through his extemporaneous fade out vocalizing, it's part of the charm in his songs about blue collar American life. The struggle, beauty, determination, getting back on your feet when you fall down. Keep on keepin on. And enjoy a cold beer while you're at it. That's Bob's way. To quote Office Space, "I celebrate the guy's entire catalog."
Against the Wind has some typical Bob-isms: the double negative wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then, the turnaround phrase I was living to run and running to live, the discombobulated dimensions of moving eight miles a minute for months at a time, the passion of caught like a wildfire out of control and how she swore that it never would end. The urge to slow down and rest while life keeps throwing challenges at you. The feeling of trying to get back home when you know you can never go home again.
The last minute and a half is the fade out vocalizing, as against the wind is repeated over and over and Bob keeps adding to the mix: I'm still running, see the young man run, watch the young man run, and the joyful 'where did that come from' burst of let the cowboys ride! That's Bob's push-you-over-the-cliff moment. One more butt-clenching agehnnnst the wind! and the song is done.

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