Wednesday, October 26

October 26, 2016 - Smashing Pumpkins - Rhinoceros (1991)


I remember reading this New Faces article about the Smashing Pumpkins in Rolling Stone. I went out and bought their debut album Gish at...dang, I can't remember the name of the store! I can picture windowless double doors leading outside, kind of a bluish carpet, not super bright lighting. Probably in the northern suburbs of Chicago. I bought Metallica's Black Album at the same time and one other that I've forgotten.

Rhinoceros is on the blog mainly because of the instrumental section between 3:34 and 4:25. The explosion of Jimmy Chamberlin's drums and the wild guitar pyrotechnics. It blew me away when I first heard it. It blew away Dave O when he first heard it. The rest of the song is good, the repeated outro riff is very Beatlesesque. I must admit there are times when Billy Corgan's languid bedroom stoner vocals make me want to punch something. His early look reminds me of Naboo from the Mighty Boosh. Hey Billy, I'm just joshin yuh, Gish is still one of my favorite albums from the 90s. It has tons of crazy guitar solos and amazing drums. Sorry I pretty much lost interest after Siamese Dream.

P.S. - Please don't smash anyone's Halloween pumpkins.

Image result for smashing pumpkins 1991

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