Sunday, May 8

May 8, 2016 - The Velvet Underground - I Can't Stand It (1969)

I am all about that guitar solo starting at 1:40. The rhythm guitars are excellent too, bass, drums, all great. Lyrics are Lou Reedishly esoteric and silly. One of my favorite tunes by the VU, from VU. The song always made me think of Lou getting hit with a mop by his landlady, in the form of one of those Filmation Saturday morning cartoons. So, imagine the Velvets all living with Andy Warhol in this giant tree house in Central Park with a goofy animal sidekick, getting out to solve crimes and play shows at art museums. Whoa, that would be cool.

1 comment:

  1. That cartoon needs to be made!!! There could be other cartoons about other cool bands from that time period who also solve crimes and live in tree houses of other eccentric managers! And there would be crossovers where one band comes to help solve a crime that the other band can't solve or something
