Tuesday, May 24

May 24, 2016 - James Gang - Walk Away (1971)

Hello Cleveland! Hello Cleveland! My favorite years for music are 1967-1972. I'm livin in the past, and it's not even my past. I was five years old in 1972. My college years were 1985-1989, among the worst years for mainstream rock n roll. 1971 was an excellent year. Some of the heaviest, loudest, funkiest electric guitar albums were released that year: Led Zeppelin IV, Aqualung, Who's Next, Maggot Brain, Sticky Fingers, Meddle, and on and on it goes.

Thirds, by the James Gang, is kind of in my second tier of favorite albums from 1971. But it has one of my favorite songs, Walk Away. This is a tough muscle car of a song. Joe Walsh kicks out the riffs, lots of great hooks. A nice little 'Life in the Fast Lane' style solo in the middle. And then we get like three excellent guitar layers on the way out. Some wah pedal, some distortion dive bomb whammy bar acrobatics, and of course that glorious stop and go primary riff.

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