Monday, January 4

January 4, 2016 - Van Halen - Eruption (1978)

I was twelve when I first heard this at a friend's house. I listened through headphones. It felt like I was in some sort of loud thrilling electric church. I'm sure I just sat there with my mouth open. My friend let me borrow this album, and I let him borrow my copy of Genesis' Duke. I still have his copy of Van Halen.

Eruption is pretty much all about what happens after the 25 second intro, when it becomes a pure electric guitar tornado of classical music style. This is the church part of it, it reminds me of the organist I grew up listening to at First Presbyterian.

Favorite moments:
0:57 -, just blinding and beautiful.
last 12 seconds - vaguely recalls some sort of industrial service vehicle being fed materials to shred, or a partial warning siren.


  1. The song is cool and reminds me of the "Hot For Teacher" solo..."awe the clock is slow" The pic makes them all look like late 70's porn stars...which like the Chili Peppers in the late 80's, they pretty much were. I remember the little room with the huge lamps and big couches in the basement. We would sit there and listen to the Beatles and Men at Work's Cargo-sometimes you put on Van Halen-I recall Fair Warning and Women and Children First-sometimes I asked you to put the Beatles back on...I like to think I am more open do do do dodo do do do do dodo do do do dodo dodd doooooo.....

    1. the photo begs the question, 'Would you let your daughter go out with a Van Halen?'

  2. I had every Van Halen album up to Diver Down this is one I just bought again on 180gram vinyl. When I was 14 my dad yelled at me to mow the lawn so I set the mower as low as it would go and etched a giant VH that burned the grass and remained all summer. Rock On!

  3. That's dad would have freaked, but I think a temporary VH on the lawn would have been ok. Yeah, I bought Diver Down on cassette, and that's the last album of theirs I bought. I hated the Van Hagar years.
