Wednesday, January 13

January 13, 2016 - The Byrds - Wasn't Born to Follow (1968)

I can't remember when I first saw Easy Rider, but I know it was the first time I ever heard this song. It also appears on The Notorious Byrd Brothers, but I really only knew the Byrds from Mr. Tambourine Man and Turn Turn Turn back then. Those gentle Byrds harmonies pour out so sweetly. The phased middle section is quite trippy. This song will always conjure images of Peter Fonda exploring the open freedom road of America. Hey, man, is that Freedom Rock? Yeah! Well turn it up, man!


  1. The best thing about that movie was the music...and Jack Nic-nic-nicholson. :)

  2. What you saw was a UFO beaming back at you. Me and Eric Heisman went down to Mexico one time, saw 40 of em flying in formation.
    Thanks for commenting, Cindy! Sorry, I just found out that I can check for comments. ;)
