Saturday, December 15

November 29, 2018 - Manitoba - Every Time She Turns Round It's Her Birthday (2003)

Despite its massive Canadian province implication, Manitoba is only one person: Dan Snaith. He actually had to stop using the name Manitoba after legal action was threatened; not by Canada, but by Handsome Dick Manitoba of 70s band the Dictators. How come Handsome Dick gets rights? I mean, The Dictators were great, but why would there be an issue here? $$$ and fame? meh.

Anyhow, Dan changed the name to Caribou, figuring there was no one out there named Handsome Dick Caribou.

Every Time She Turns Round It's Her Birthday...

(ETSTRIHB, which is an anagram for BIRTHEST, which I'm going to decide is a word meaning someone who has been born the most times, and btw when I typed "anagram" in google because I had a brain burp about it, google asked me if I meant to type "nag a ram". Now, does this mean google has a sense of humor? Yes! It's their little joke on anagram! I figured it was.)

... is the name of the song, go out on the left and you'll never go wrong. Wait, I think that's from Sesame Street. Let's get back on track, man! OK, from the first second it certainly sounds like she has already turned round and a party is in full swing. Whistles and horns and squiggly little favors are making the rounds. The first lyrics are at 0:31:

Spinning round you weigh me down
Gravel hands of green and brown (tiny guy squeaky voice joins in on brown)

This part reminds me a lot of Julian Cope, in particular his songs Crazy Farm Animal and Hey High Class Butcher. The keyboards are right from those tunes.

Those lyrics are repeated a few times, then at 2:40...OK, again I feel like Dan Snaith has to be a fan of Julian Cope...the stampeding drums here were used by Julian in "Poet Is Priest..." (a song I considered for the blog but dang, something held me back). I hope he likes Julian Cope's music...I feel like he must.

Image result for dan snaith 2003

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