Wednesday, December 26

December 15, 2018 - Krzysztof Penderecki - De Natura Sonoris No. 2 (1971)

I don't know what you will make of this one. The music of the great Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki is quite frightening. I recommend having the lights on while this plays, unless you're feeling brave.

I first heard a collection of his music in the mid-90s. There are lots of discordant strings piled on top of each other, coming around the corner, suddenly in your face.

De Nature Sonoris (on the nature of sound) No. 2, gets particularly scary around the 4:00 mark, when dinner bells appear and there is a sudden ominous bellowing of low bass or cello. The violins stack up in great twisted masses, scraping and clawing like tortured animals. At 6:10, the strings drop out and we hear the pounding of a lone timpani. This is just a warning to prepare for the arrival of wild elephant horns at 6:19.

Want more Krzysztof? I recommend Threnody to the Victims of Hiroshima and Capriccio for Violin and Orchestra. They can be found on the EMI Classics collection Matrix 5.

Image result for penderecki

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