Thursday, December 13

November 25, 2018 - Heavy Metal Kids - Rock 'n' Roll Man (1974)

Rock N Roll-oll-oll-oll, etc, yayee yeah! This song grabs your throat from the start, and pummels you with rock n roll. Gary Holton on lead vocals, what a frickin cool voice. This is a glam rock destroyer. My favorite lyric, at 0:49:

The very next morning at the music store
my mind went overboard-de-doh-de-doh-de-doh...

The song is all about this kid who watches a band on TV and completely loses it, becoming a glam rockin fool the next day. Think of Christian Bale in Velvet Goldmine: "That is me! That's me!"

The song goes into a mellow middle section that reminds me somewhat of Billy Thorpe's Children of the Sun and Never Been Any Reason by Head East. But it is soon back into the basic rock swagger. Love it. Mickey Waller, aka Mickey Finn, on guitar.

Heavy Metal Kids were from England. They took their name from a gang of street kids in William Burroughs's Nova Express.

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