It's time for some groovy Turkish rock, aka Anatolian Rock, so here we go with Edip Akbayram and his song Yakar Inceden Inceden. The title translates to 'It Burns', and it features the psychedelic rocking Dostlar as his backing band.
The first 0:40 alone is spectacular. Wah guitar feeds into a stunning ubiquitous bass line, which are joined at 0:22 by a heavy distorted guitar. Edip's impassioned vocals arrive at 0:42, singing
Gördü bir kere gözlerim
Akar yaşım dolu dolu
Bir ateş düştü gönlüme
Yakar inceden oy inceden oy
which translates (according to Google) as
I once saw my eyes
My age is full of flow
A fever fell heartbreak
Burn your scarf
The music sweeps back in at 1:20. Like my other favorites, Erkin Koray and 3 Hür-el, the music is this amazing combination of Western psych rock and traditional Turkish folk music. After 1:55, the band step it up, and a wild guitar solo hits at 2:06. Great stuff.

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