I don't know very much about Killing Joke. I remember hearing that they were liked by some of the grunge bands, but that's about it. I liked their song Wardance when I first heard it many years ago and looked it up on youtube last year. It has those tribal drums, one endless power saw guitar chord, and Jaz Coleman's scary growling heavy British accent. Industrial sounds, glass breaking, guitar harmonics at 1:39, eerie synthesizer. The chorus is just A wardance (a wardahnce), very catchy. The guitars just keep pounding into your skull, intensity increasing at 2:27. It's relentless.
Regarding the name Killing Joke, Coleman once said "It's like a soldier in the first world war. He's in the trench, he knows his life is gone and that within the next ten minutes he's gonna be dead ... and then suddenly he realises that some cunt back in Westminster's got him sussed - 'What am I doing this for? I don't want to kill anyone, I'm just being controlled."
They are playing in Portland this year on September 2nd at the Star Theater.

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