I recall watching this show when I was 8 years old, and it gave me nightmares. There was this one episode where a person would look normal in the front, but from behind it was this furry monster. Then there was the sewer creature, where Kolchak got stuck down in the sewer because a truck had parked over the manhole cover. Zombies, vampires, headless motorcycle riders, each episode saw journalist Carl Kolchak (played by A Christmas Story father Darren McGavin) risking his life to write a story, without any support or gratitude from his boss and the Chicago police.
The theme song is total bait and switch. It begins with Kolchak whistling a little tune, then some flute and light piano join in and all is gentle and breezy. Ah, this seems like a nice mellow show. Then at 0:25 a violin kicks in and the tension builds. At 0:30 it's like someone has turned out the lights. I'm not sure if it's a cello or what, but it is a sinister melody. The main whistling motif appears again, but now it is creepy. The piano plays these discordant staccato notes in patterns of five. Are you scared yet? You will be!

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