Saturday, January 27

January 27, 2018 - Helios Creed - The Federation (1992)

Helios Creed...a religion of the Sun. The brother of Apollo. But one is a Titan and the other is an Olympian. As a Titan, Helios was imprisoned in Tartarus, the deepest part of the Underworld. His real name is...nah, not gonna do it. But I digress.

I don't know too much about this guy other than the little bit I've read. He's a guitarist who played in the group Chrome (more about them soon), and he has released a number of his own albums with his band. He grew up listening to Led Zeppelin and Jimi Hendrix. His music is dark, effects-laden industrial psychedelic rock.   

The Federation is from Kiss to the Brain. It starts off with this low mix grungy squelch, then you got yer basic rock drum beats and phaser space effects all mixed into a swampy Dagobah-like atmosphere. The alien visitor lyrics come in at 0:40:

Looking on your planet
We are coming down
Coming through the clouds
Coming to your town
We are the Federation

The United Federation of Planets? Has the Enterprise crew transported to Dagobah? Perhaps Yoda was a distant ancestor of Balok, and Kirk has traveled across time to meet him. I hope he minds his manners or Yoda will have to open up a can of the Force on him. The other thought I had was that these Federation aliens are the more sinister cousins of the nerdy Sky Men. "Children of Earth, be not afraid..."
Image result for helios creed

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