Tuesday, September 25

September 24, 2018 - Aphex Twin - Xtal (released in 1992)

Richard D. James, of Cornwall, England, alias Aphex Twin, alias AFX, alias Bradley Strider,  alias Joe the Barber, alias Ali Asalia Salias, is a prolific creator of ambient and electronic music. Alas, I have not heard most of his albums, but I like his first one a lot, it's called Selected Ambient Works 85-92.

Xtal is a hypnotic flow of sound, occupying a dark rain-soaked canvas like a scene from Blade Runner. The music is woven with repetitive loops of various tones and samples: percussive ticks, low booms, synth lines, a woman's voice, dropping in and out of our consciousness.

You may ask yourself, seriously, what is xtal? Just click on that there link to find out. Or don't, and be like a ship without a sail.

Image result for richard d. james 1992

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