Saturday, September 15

September 15, 2018 Music from Bandcamp #37

ban dc amp

1) post-modern baseball - wrigleyville (North Carolina)

a short and sweet tune, piano and vocals. I like the minimalism. hair talk. baseball. wrigleyville. Cubs fan? I don't recall a mention of baseball in the lyrics. I could have been focusing more on the piano.

2) Punk rock e reação! - pasteldemiolos (location not listed)

OK, location not listed, but they're from Brazil. Punk rock and reaction! Fast, then hits a slow middle section, very cool.

3) Plague of human being - Fleshsectioner (Adelaide, Australia)

I had to look up the opening's from Communion, a film that starred Christopher Walken. So, points right away. Then we are off on a metal conquest. Powerspeed drums. Growls. The whole playbook.

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