Check out the cover of ELO's Out of the shuttle craft docking in the giant ELO Simon-esque spaceship. A common theme back then, see album covers by Boston and Journey, Paul McCartney's Back to the Egg, etc.
Turn to Stone features all the common ELO accoutrements: great hooks, magical baroque/Beatlesesque string arrangements, high falsetto harmonies, interesting synthesizers and effects. I like this one for the 13 second descending metallic fade in, the driving beat, the strings throughout, the weird middle fast spoken bit, the little 'day in the life' outro, the imagery, e.g. 'the tired streets that hide away.' It's a song like the Beatles's 'Misery' - the lyrics tell a story of self-pity and hopelessness, but the music sounds otherwise. No point in 'bringing us down' too much, eh Jeff? Ho...ha ha ho...fuh-knee guy.

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