Yes, as I said a couple days ago, beware of darkness. George was all over that concept. With all his Krishna spiritual studies, and his experiences with the Beatles, he was very aware of the dark power of the material world. A mystic, a seeker of truth, the quiet one.
George often used interesting chord progressions in his own songs, majors, minors, sevenths, sixths, he was all over the place. This one starts off innocently enough with B, but then it drops down to a G7, which really sets one's ears on edge, with a second guitar doing same progression higher on the neck. From the G7 he goes up a half step to G#m then to C#m. An Emaj and Dsus get in there too, and we are into the second verse. Some quiet strings appear under the surface, Phil Spector's influence I suppose.
He plays a nice slide guitar solo, something he employed often, on songs like What is Life and My Sweet Lord, kind of that Hawaiian style. I prefer this song over his 'hits' because Classic Rock radio never shoved it down my throat on a daily basis.

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